First Congregational Church of Lewis

The First Congregational Church of Lewis is a historical institution (church) that sits on a hill overlooking the Town of Lewis. Our protestant ministry is open to the small community where we provide traditional Protestant Rites and Sacraments to the community wanting such services.

We are a church that does not look at scheduled meetings as a necessary structure of the Church.  We do have a Church Council that meets once a year and as needed throughout the year.  The Board of Trustees meets 4 times a year to make financial decisions. If something comes up that need immediate attention, we schedule meetings to address the issue. When concerns confront the Church, such as capital projects, or special events like celebrations, we form a committee to work out the details including fund raising if necessary. 

We contribute to the local communities with our monthly Potluck Suppers during the warmer months to show that our church is not just Sunday Worship. Our annual Election Day Dinner, organized by the Lewis Women’s Fellowship, is open to the public and the community looks forward to it each year.

Our women’s organization has adopted a female student in Brazil, providing support for her for school clothing and other school needs.  The women’s group also gives to a missionary doing work on an Indian Reservation (NAIM) This Women’s Fellowship also have a Mother’s Day blanket drive, in which members donate money to buy a blanket in memory of or to honor a mother and blankets are sent overseas to people of need. The church members donate to One Great Hour of Sharing and Neighbors in Need.  The Sunday School and the members of the First Congregational Church has for several years been involved in the Operation Christmas Child. Shoe size boxes are filled with appropriate items and sent to underdeveloped countries. Not only are the boxes filled, but members also provided shipping cost for the boxes.   

With our small membership, our activities, governance, etc. is carried on by a small number of dedicated members. However, when there is need of help or volunteers (e.g., Annual Election Day Dinner, working at the Ecumenical Thrift Shop), members of the congregation step up to the challenges. 

The beliefs and commitments of the First Congregational Church of Lewis can be summed up by our purpose statement: “The purpose of our Church is to bind together followers of Jesus Christ for the purpose of sharing in the worship of God and making his will prevail in the lives of all people, individually and collectively, especially as that will is set forth in the life, teachings, death, and living presence of Jesus Christ.” It is from this purpose statement that the members of our church recite weekly and understand what their role is in the small congregation.

Click here to see the Lewis Church Profile