Services in Elizabethtown Through May


Service Begins at 10


Services in Elizabethtown Through May ▪️ Service Begins at 10 ▪️

Welcome from Pastor Bond!

The joint Elizabethtown & Lewis United Church(es) of Christ are simply committed to loving God and serving people. All people.

We do not limit the love of God here.

Not only is everybody truly welcomed at our churches, but they are also affirmed and celebrated, so that we may all go out and love our neighbors here in Essex County. 

My Sunday messages, usually based on the gospels of Jesus, tell about a God who came to earth to “proclaim good news to the economically poor, to set prisoners free, and to liberate the oppressed of this world (Luke 4:18)” – truly great news!  There are always a lot of smiles and laughter before, after, and even during church, and visitors are always genuinely received with no strings attached. 

We would love to have you come and visit, and you can always check out our sermon archive or tune into our full services shared weekly on Facebook.  

Join Us for Worship Services on Sundays at 10am